Virola Client Appearance
Please your eyes
The look and feel of an application is something we deal with every day, many times a day. This makes the application appearance one of its key features.
With Virola, we are constantly working on improving both functionality and user experience and we would be happy to hear your feedback about your experience with the app - both positive and negative. Please let us know your opinion via our support chat or just send an email.
Please note that all Virola appearance settings are applied to the whole application. So if you have several application profiles opened, the appearance settings will be the same for all of them.
Light / dark mode
What is better for your eyes - dark or light screen? Nobody knows for sure as everything depends on the specific user's health conditions, habits and preferences. Most of our developers switched to the dark mode long time ago, while the support team prefers the light one. That's why we implemented both dark and light modes in Virola desktop and mobile clients.
The light / dark mode switch is available right above the chat rooms list, so that you can change the mode at any moment with one click. The other ways to switch the mode is to use main menu View -> ...Mode or the app Options -> Palette section.

The interface palette
Regardless the selected mode, you might be dissatisfied with the default application color scheme. If so, you can change its tint color, saturation and lightness in the app Options -> Palette section.
This setting is available for the light and dark modes separately, and if you are not happy with the result, you can always roll back to the default settings.

Desktop client layout
There are two possible layouts available for the most desktop chat messengers:
- Single view mode - when the chat rooms list and the chat text are combined in one window
- Split view mode - when a separate window is opened for the chat rooms list and for every chat text
Virola desktop client supports both layouts. The layout can be changed via the main menu View -> Single View Mode / Split View Mode

Desktop client Main menu and Status bar
Main menu and Status bar are not usual interface elements these days. But we decided to keep them.
Main menu contains almost the same set of options as the "hamburger" menu. Additional main menu items are related solely to the desktop Virola client. E.g. you can hide the main menu and the status bar and then enable them anew via the application Options.
Status bar usually displays some weird information that can be hardly read by a human being. But our developers can understand all information from the status bar and if you have any issues with the client app, this information can be of a great help.