Chat history search
Find everything - from messages to files

- The search in Virola is global. It looks through chat room titles, messages, file names, issue numbers, etc.
- To start the search click the "Lens" icon in the toolbar above the chat rooms list and type the search query. The search will start automatically and may take some time. You'll see the search progress in real time.
- Use Up and Down buttons to navigate through search results. If you need to see results in the particular chat room, just click this room tab and you'll jump to the first search result in this room.
- Use All Rooms / Current / Selected switch to narrow down your search when you are sure where to look for your search phrase.
- The search includes messages texts, transferred files names, issue titles and numbers, meetings agendas and numbers. You can be sure you will miss no mentions of the searched name or phrase.
- The search will browse the whole history of your communications, as Virola offers permanent storage of your data.
- You can enter a word or partial word, phrase or partial phrase, the search will find all its occurrences anyway.