User roles
Organize your team communication space
No matter whether your team is big or small, when using a corporate messenger, you will eventually face the need to organize your team's communication and collaboration space. User roles are implemented to assist you with this. By assigning roles with varying access and responsibility levels, you can limit chaotic posting, commenting, and excessive chat room creation. Designating specific users to be in charge of organizing your corporate messaging space will facilitate the collaboration process and increase the level of internal corporate security.
For users and chat room management three user roles are available in Virola Messenger:
- Admin role
- Moderator role
- User role

This distribution of roles helps create a productive collaboration environment and enables effective use of Virola Messenger for business communication.
Admin role
The Admin role has all rights and responsibilities for user and server management. In Virola client app, Admins have access to a set of additional options related to user management and server troubleshooting.
Admins have an additional "A" icon on their avatars, making it easy for all users to identify them.
Virola admins possess almost unlimited power. They can:
- Create and manage user profiles
- Manage all kinds of permissions
- Default and personal app-level user permissions
- Default, common and personal public room-level user permissions
- Grant and revoke Admin and Moderator roles
- Modify and/or remove any message in all rooms where the Admin is participating
- View server health details
- View server crash reports
- Simulate server crash to troubleshoot issues

To grant a user the admin role, an admin should:
- Open the list of users via Administration / Manage Users menu
- Right-click on the user
- Select the "Enable Admin role" option in the context menu
Note! The newly created admin can revoke other admins' roles.
Moderator role
The Moderator is the person responsible for managing a specific public (group) chat room. The Moderator role is automatically assigned to the user who creates the group chat room or can be granted by another room moderator.
Moderators in group chat rooms have an additional icon "M" on their avatars and have the following rights within the room:
- Add / remove room users
- Grant / revoke moderator role
- Modify and/or remove any message
- Manage common and personal room-level user permissions, such as editing and deleting own messages, creating attachments, renaming attachments in the main thread and discussions

To grant a user the moderator role, a group room moderator should:
- Right-click on the user within the chat room
- Select the "Enable Moderator role" option in the context menu
User role
User role is automatically assigned to all users created by the Virola admin or those users who log into Virola with their Active Directory credentials. By default, users have all basic privileges enabled. They can:
- Create group and private chat rooms
- Post messages in the rooms where they are participating
- Update and/or remove their own messages
- Add and/or remove attachments to their own messages
- React to any message
- Convert their own messages into issues or meetings
- Manage issues and meetings

However, Virola admins can restrict some of these privileges at the default app- or room-level. Room-level permissions can be also overridden by the group chat room moderator for the entire room or specific users.
With a set of essential user roles combined with the permissions framework, you can customize your Virola Messenger configuration as needed, creating a convenient and safe space for your distributed team collaboration, internal communication, task management, and even customer service and news distribution.