Topic-based channels
Structure collaboration environment with group chat rooms
Topic-based channels are group chat rooms created for working on specific projects, bringing together team or department members, or establishing a collaboration space for any group of people. The day-to-day company workflow relies on communication within these topic-based channels.

Create group chat rooms for different departments, projects, and teams
Directing information related to specific topics into separate group chats will structure your collaboration environment and make it easier to follow the discussion threads and updates.

Talk with the group members instead of typing
Use the continuous voice meetings feature for quick meetups with a project team in the designated group room. Just enable intercom - and you are there. No additional meeting setup is required.

Use screen sharing and remote control for better productivity
During meetings, it's often convenient to share your screen to show a presentation or better illustrate an issue. Letting colleagues control your machine remotely is useful when you need assistance.

Track topic-related tasks
Create and assign topic-related tasks right in the group room and follow them up on the task board. By applying task board filters, you can isolate tasks created in a specific group chat room.

Create read-only news channels
It's always good to have a room protected from flooding to publish news and updates. Virola permissions framework allows creating such read-only group rooms and designating people to manage them.

Manage group room participants' activities
Use moderator role to manage group members and roles, control group content, and limit group participants' activity when needed. Use admin role to control users' activities globally.